Download tortoise svn client
Download tortoise svn client

download tortoise svn client

  • It allows an efficient version control.
  • Graphs of commit statistics of the project Pros Simple comparing of two branches or tags You can then simply see where you generated a tag and branch or modified a file or folder Can make a graph of all revisions and commits. auto completion of keywords and paths of the customized files embedded spell checker for log messages descriptive dialogs, constantly enhanced due to user feedback enables moving files by right-dragging them in the Windows explorer See the state of your documents directly in the Windows explorer all commands are ready to use from the Windows Explorer. This will help developers to find and fix the bugs faster. TortoiseSVN also includes a custom crash report tool which will enable you to easily provide feedback to the large user community for testing.

    download tortoise svn client

    By clicking the issue number you will be able to open your browser directly on the corresponding issue. It provides a distinct input box for the issue number assigned to the commit, adding an extra column containing the number when all log messages are shown. This tool also lets you integrate various web based bug tracking systems. TortoiseSVN supports all Subversion protocols ( svn://, svn+ssh://, file:///, svn+XXX://) and integrates a spell checker for log messages. You can also see the files status along with descriptive dialogs. But on the installer (of version 1.7 and later) you can select the 'command line client tools' option so you can call svn commands (like svn commit and svn update) from the command line. The application will show you only commands that can be used in certain situation. By default TortoiseSVN always has a GUI (Graphical User Interface) associated with it.

    #Download tortoise svn client software

    This software makes the SVN control easy, offering you all the commands directly in Windows Explorer.

    download tortoise svn client

    TortoiseSVN is an intuitive and easy-to-use Apache Subversion (SVN) client which was implemented as a Microsoft Windows shell extension, eliminating the need of the Subversion command line client.

    Download tortoise svn client